RecAssist for Individuals & Families Application
RecAssist para Individuos y Familias Solicitud
The Monmouth County Park System is committed to providing high quality, unique, recreation programming for all Monmouth County citizens, regardless of their financial status. To achieve this goal, the RecAssist Program was initiated to meet the needs of county residents who are unable to pay the established program fees.
Our Mission
The Community Recreation Division was established to provide outreach to community members and develop partnerships with qualifying local agencies with at least 85% of their participants being eligible for financial assistance. These relationships enable us to introduce more community members to the unique benefits of participating in recreation programs, enjoying park facilities and features, and spending time in nature. It is our wish to provide positive experiences leading to fond memories that last a lifetime!
What We Do
The Monmouth County Park System launched RecAssist for Individuals and Families in 2023. Through this program, eligible county residents are provided an opportunity to participate in a wide range of Park System for-fee programs of their choice at a discount of 25%. In addition to discounts, participants in this program are provided FREE access to several activities including the following:
Eligible residents receive a discount of 25% for Park System signature camps ranging in themes from nature, outdoor adventures, sports, creative arts, to a week on the farm! Beyond the summer season, RecAssist includes a variety of additional programs, for all ages, led by Park System staff, from guided hikes and nature education, to archery, fishing, historic site tours, pottery classes and more, all at a 25% discount!
Please review our
RecAssist for Individuals & Families Application for an overview of the program, the eligibility criteria, and the application process. Applications must be submitted in advance of registration to receive the discount. Please allow up to two weeks for application approval.

Groups, organizations, and individuals interested in contributing to this program may do so by following the below donation link:
RecAssist Donation
Partner With Us
The Monmouth County Park System is proud to offer group programming that creates opportunities to develop leadership skills, participate in team building, and enhance critical thinking. We strive to assist people of all ages and abilities to develop a deeper appreciation of recreation and the natural world. Agencies can select programs from our
RecAssist for Groups Booklet or collaborate with our team in planning and facilitating a special event.
Interested agencies are encouraged to contact Community Recreation at to discuss eligibility requirements and program opportunities. We are located at
Big Brook Park, Marlboro, home to a portion of the
Henry Hudson Trail, an outdoor pool, and other exciting outdoor activities. Group programs are available at a variety of Park System facilities throughout Monmouth County. Start the application process below:

Summer Camp
Community Recreation also provides a week-long adventure-based camp called
Wild Adventures Travel Camp. This camp travels throughout the county to a variety of parks where campers can experience a wide array of recreational activities. Over a six-week period, eligible middle schoolers, transported to and from the district middle school, are provided with a week of adventure with activities ranging from fishing, boating, zipline, to a visit to Sunnyside Equestrian Center. High school students from the same district may be eligible to participate in a two-week mentorship program,
Camp Academy. These and other scholarship opportunities are offered with the support of the
Monmouth County Friends of the Parks. For more information, contact Community Recreation at
Coastal Activity Center After School Program
In addition to the above programs, the Monmouth County Park System offers an after school program at the Coastal Activity Center. The program provides quality recreational activities for elementary school-age (grades K-5) children on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, 3-6 p.m. For more information, please call 732-460-1167, ext. 4640. Throughout the year, the Monmouth County Friends of the Parks fund trips, parties and a variety of activities for this program in addition to camp scholarships. See our 2024-2025 flyer.