The Monmouth County Park System provides modifications for individuals with disabilities (who meet essential eligibility requirements - with or without an modification - documented for the specific program) to participate in general Park System programs. It is our intent to provide a safe, successful and enjoyable experience for all.
We understand that not every person with a special need desires specialized programming.  Therefore, through our Inclusion Process we will assist and advise prospective participants and families who are interested in general recreation programs offered through the Park System, to find programs that best fit their interests and abilities (with or without modifications).

Why Inclusion?    

  • Ensures that all participants have the same options to participate in programs.
  • Fosters an increased sense of independence in the participant.
  • Provides services and supports focused on meeting a participant’s interests, abilities, goals, and needs.
  • Benefits all participants by helping everyone to learn about and appreciate the things that make us unique.

What does it Cost?     

  • Inclusion Services are provided at no additional cost to a participant beyond the regular fee associated with the program.

Who is Eligible?      

  • Any individual that meets essential eligibility requirements for a specific program, with or without a modification.

What Types of Support are Available?         

  • Program modification
  • Sign language interpreter
  • Behavior management
  • Observation and evaluation
  • Inclusion Coach/Support Staff

The Inclusion Process        

  • Register for a Park System program.
  • Request a modification! This can be done during registration with the Reservations Department or by contacting the Therapeutic Recreation Office directly. The ideal amount of time for a modification request is at least two weeks prior to the program or class start date. We will make every effort to accommodate any request regardless of time constraints, however providing program modifications for a drop-in program or last minute registration may not be possible.
  • The Therapeutic Recreation staff will ensure the appropriate Inclusion Paperwork has been sent to the participant for completion and return. (Open our Inclusion Profile form as a PDF.)
  • The Therapeutic Recreation staff will discuss modifications with the participant and family/guardian or set up an in-person assessment.
  • The Therapeutic Recreation staff, participant/family, and instructor or program leader will discuss the modification plan.
  • A modification is then implemented for the program/class; this could be a support staff (Inclusion Coach) assigned to work with the participant, behavior modification, etc.
  • The individual participates in the program.
  • On-going follow up between the participant, Therapeutic Recreation staff, programmer, and support staff.
  • Upon completion of the program, review of final progress and if goals were met. Recommendations for future programming made based upon final evaluation.

Can I participate in Inclusion AND in Special Needs Programming?        

  • Yes! Requesting a modification to participate in a general Park System program in no way precludes an individual from participating in programs offered specifically for individuals with special needs. Learn more about our Therapeutic Recreation offerings.

For more information, please contact the Therapeutic Recreation Division 

Anne Simon, Recreation Supervisor  
732-460-1167, extension 4643

Justin Dunn, CPRP, Recreation Program Coordinator   
732-460-1167, extension 4641