Create your very own greeting cards with an array of materials on Wednesdays, September 11-October 23. Class led by Monique Topp.
See local talent perform songs, scenes and dances from Broadway musicals during this showcase on Saturday, September 14.
Learn techniques such as improvisation, space objects, character building, and the fourth wall on Tuesdays, September 17-October 22. Open to ages 8-10.
Use ballet and dance inspired movements during this fun and dynamic workout on Thursdays, September 19-October 24. No experience necessary.
Make your very own puppet and use it to perform stories on Fridays, September 20-October 11. Open to ages 5-7 with adult.
Swap your used puzzles for new-to-you ones on Saturday, September 28. Complete puzzles in good condition, please.
Weather permitting, all Park System golf courses are open through the end of the year.
Resident golf passes can be purchased online. Both resident and non-resident golf passes will continue to be available for purchase at all Golf Centers.
The use of all tobacco products is prohibited in all the parks, thanks to New Jersey's Smoke Free Air Act.
Park Rangers are stepping up enforcement of the leash rule in response to feedback from our visitors.
Host your next gathering in the parks! Check out these rooms available for rental in the Park System.
Let us help you find the perfect spot for your special day. Unforgettable locations at a very reasonable price.
The Monmouth County Park System offers discounted programs to eligible county residents through our RecAssist for Individuals and Families program. We also offer a RecAssist for Groups program. Visit our Community Recreation page for details.
Every year, over 1000 individuals enrich the Monmouth County Park System through their dedication in the Volunteers in Parks program. Working as a team with Park System staff, volunteers can be found helping in countless ways. Learn more about our volunteer team.
Each year the Park System undertakes a variety of capital improvement projects in the parks to expand recreational opportunities for our visitors, upgrade facilities and infrastructure, restore historic sites and structures, and enhance park landscapes through plantings and vegetation management.