Municipal Open Space Grant Programs

In 2023, the Board of County Commissioners revised the Municipal Open Space Grant Program and split it into two new programs, one grant program for parks and open space development projects and a new shared services program to assist with municipal open space acquisitions.
The Monmouth County Municipal Park Improvement Grant Program assists municipalities by providing additional funding needed to make park improvements in municipal parks and open space. The Municipal Open Space Grant Program was previously limited to $2 million a year and up to $250,000 per project. The new grant program is funded at $6 million a year and up to $500,000 per project. The Municipal Park Improvement Grant Program has expanded to include dredging projects for parks and recreation purposes and the grant application process has been simplified and streamlined.

Monmouth County Municipal Park Improvement Grant Program applications will be due Thursday, July 10, 2025, and are expected to be awarded in October. The Municipal Park Improvement Grant Program is a competitive program. The project eligibility and evaluation criteria are described in the Policy and Procedures Manual.

Please click below for 2025 Monmouth County Municipal Park Improvement Grant Program application information:  

The Board of County Commissioners selected the following projects for 2024 funding:    
Aberdeen Township   
Fireman’s Park Improvements - $475,000

Lake Drive Park Improvements - $400,000

Brielle Park Improvements - $150,000

Fresh Start 80 Acres Park Improvements – Phase II - $150,000

Freehold Borough  
Freehold Park Improvements - $475,000

Recreation Building with Multipurpose Courts - $475,000

Frank Hall Park Improvements - $86,000

Sports Court Lighting Improvements - $175,000

Collins Field Improvements - $75,000

Lake Como   
Behrman Park Improvements – Phase II - $130,000

Little Silver   
Sickles Park Inclusive Playground - $399,000

Long Branch   
City Hall Park Improvements - $475,000

Tennent Road Walking Trail - $215,000

Millstone Township   
Millstone Park Improvements – Phase III - $475,000

Neptune Township   
Loffredo Fields Improvements – Phase II - $358,000

Maria Gata Park Improvements – Phase IV - $475,000

Spring Lake Heights  
Joseph E. Robertson Park Pickleball Courts - $100,000

Tinton Falls   
Walz Park Improvements - $475,000

Red Bank   
Marine Park Improvements - $475,000

Union Beach   
Scholer Park Improvements – Phase X - $300,000

West Long Branch    
Valenzano Park Improvements - $150,000

    Grant Closeout Documents for Park Development Projects: 

    The Monmouth County Municipal Land Preservation Incentive Program assists municipalities by providing additional funding needed to preserve lands for municipal parks and open space. These are cooperative projects with the Board of Recreation Commissioners and County Commissioners. The applications will be accepted throughout the year on a first-come, first-served basis with a limitation of one active acquisition project per municipality at a time.
    For projects up to $5 million, the county will match up to 75% of acquisition costs not funded by the State Green Acres program; for projects over $5 million, the county will fund 75% of the first $5 million and 50% of the amount over $5 million of acquisition costs not funded by the State Green Acres program.
    Both the Monmouth County Municipal Park Improvement Grant Program and Monmouth County Municipal Land Preservation Incentive Program are administered by the Monmouth County Park System on behalf of the Board of County Commissioners.
    Questions and correspondence regarding the Monmouth County Municipal Park Improvement Grant Program should be addressed to the Monmouth County Park System, Acquisition and Design Office, Attn: Municipal Park Improvement Grant Program, 805 Newman Springs Road, Lincroft, NJ 07738. For additional information, please call 732-609-4751 or email
    Questions and correspondence regarding the Monmouth County Municipal Land Preservation Incentive Program should be addressed to the Monmouth County Park System, Acquisition and Design Office, Attn: Municipal Land Preservation Incentive Program, 805 Newman Springs Road, Lincroft, NJ 07738. For additional information, please call 732-842-4000, ext. 4263, or email