Commercial Media Usage

Professional and/or Commercial Advertising, Marketing, Public Relations, and Film Production Companies requesting the use of County Park and Recreation Areas for commercial media must adhere to the following Procedures and Guidelines:

  1. Contact the Public Information Office to make arrangements at least two (2) weeks prior to proposed shoot. ( or 732-842-4000, ext. 4256).
  2. Determine specific site to be used. User must arrange on site meeting with representative of Monmouth County Park System prior to shoot.
  3. An area will be designated by Monmouth County Park System.
  4. Provide Certificate of Insurance with no less than $1,000,000 insurance Hold Harmless Certificate naming the County of Monmouth as additional insured.
  5. Fee must be received in advance with proper insurance certificates.
  6. When all documents have been received, a permit will be issued with a fact sheet. 


  1. Hours of Operation - Monday thru Sunday 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. 
    o Full day shoot is any 8 hours in duration within designated park hours.
    o Half day shoot is any 4 hours in duration within designated park hours.
  2. The Monmouth County Park System will not supply equipment, supplies, props or electrical power.
  3. No Monmouth County Park System employee shall assist in media production unless previously arranged and approved in writing by the County Park Superintendent.
  4. Monmouth County Park System reserves the right to restrict use of indoor and outdoor facilities.
  5. The Monmouth County Park System reserves the right to waive the fee for non-profit and educational use applicants.


  • Minimal Set Up   
    1-5 person involved/associated with production.  Limited amount of support equipment and props.  No conflict with other public use(s).  
    See fee schedule 
  • Moderate Set Up   
    5-10 persons involved/associated with production.
    More support equipment and props required.
    May require restricting of public use(s)
    May require use of buildings - support services only.
  • Extensive Set Up  
     11 persons or more involved/associated with production.
     Considerable support equipment and props required.
     Requires restricting of public use(s).
     May require use of a building-support services included.
     See fee schedule 


  • Minimal Set Up  
    1-5 persons involved/associated with production.
    Limited amount of support equipment and props.
    No conflict with other public use(s).
    See fee schedule
  • Moderate Set Up  
    5-10 persons involved/associated with production.
    More support equipment and props required.
    May require restricting of public use(s).
    May require minor use of building.
    See fee schedule
  • Extensive Set Up  
    11 persons or more involved/associated with production.
    Considerable support equipment and props required.
    Requires restricting of public use(s).
    May require use of a building - Production and support services use.
    See fee schedule