Swimming River Park

483 West Front Street, Red Bank (Middletown), NJ, 07701 (for GPS)   
732-842-4000, ext. 4312   
Tick Advisory 
Park opens daily at 6 a.m. March 1-November 30 and 7 a.m. December 1-February 29.
Closing time is 6:30 p.m. through March 8; 8 p.m. March 9-31; and 8:30 p.m. April 1-27.  

Any public inquiries regarding the dredging taking place at/near Swimming River Park should be directed to NJDOT Community Relations office at the phone or email address included in this press release. Dredging operations are underway and expected to continue through February with work happening seven days a week, between 7 a.m.-7 p.m.
(updated 1/27/2025) 

Swimming River Park Season Boat Launch Pass    
How to obtain a Boat Launch pass:  
  • Boat Launch passes are required for trailered and non-trailered vessels.
  • Those wishing to purchase a season launch pass for a powered vessel must present a valid Boat Safety Certificate and valid boat registration.
  • Season pass stickers* are to be affixed to the vessel as per the diagram received with the sticker.
    *Those using temporary passes will receive their sticker during their next visit to Swimming River Park.  
  • Boat ramp is open March 1 through November 30. 

Scenic view


This recent addition to the Park System provides scenic views of Red Bank and the Navesink and Swimming Rivers. A public boat ramp provides access to the river March 1 to November 30 for fishing, crabbing, wildlife observation, or touring the picturesque marshes and coves of this extensive watershed.  No boat rentals or boat storage are available at this time.  It is strongly recommended that all persons launching a vessel from Swimming River Park wear a U.S. Coast Guard approved type I, II, III hybrid inflatable, or V personal flotation device in serviceable conditions. New Jersey State Boating laws are in effect on the water. For more on boating safely visit www.uscgboating.org. Swimming is prohibited at the park. 

The park, comprised of 18 acres in the River Plaza section of Middletown, was acquired by the Park System with assistance from the Monmouth Conservation Foundation in September of 2015. Swimming River Park has recently undergone several improvements including new bulkheading and boat ramp, kayak beach launch area, docks, a walking trail and parking.  

In accordance with New Jersey’s Smoke Free Air Act, all Monmouth County parks are tobacco free. The ban applies to cigarettes, pipes, cigars, e-cigarettes, and vaporize cigarettes, as well as smokeless tobacco such as snuff and chew. 



Garden State Parkway to Exit 109. Southbound, turn left onto Newman Springs Rd. at the traffic light. Stay in right lane for approximately 1,000 feet, then bear right (after overpass) onto jughandle for Half Mile Rd. Northbound, go straight at the traffic light onto Half Mile Rd. On Half Mile Rd. proceed 0.5 miles to the end, turn right onto West Front St.  Park entrance is about 1 mile ahead on the right (before the bridge).

State Hwy. 35 northbound into Red Bank, turn left onto West Front St. Proceed about 1 mile, cross the bridge, park entrance is on your left.   Traveling south, turn right onto Navesink River Rd. just before the bridge into Red Bank. Travel 0.7 miles, turn left onto Hubbard Ave. Travel another 0.5  miles, turn right onto West Front St. Park entrance is immediately on your left.