Acorn Plum Galls
Have you been noticing these mottled red spheres that look like gumballs on the forest floor? They are Acorn Plum Galls. These unique growths on oak trees are caused by the wasp Amphibolips quercusjuglans. Despite their unusual appearance, they are a natural part of the ecosystem and typically do not significantly harm the trees.
Acorn Plum Galls are created by a female wasp laying her eggs on the acorn cups of oak trees. The larvae that hatch from these eggs secrete chemicals that induce the oak tissue to form a protective gall around them. They can be surprisingly heavy for their size. When cut open, they reveal a single white larva at the center, feeding on the gall tissue as it grows. When the gall is fully mature, it drops from the tree.
The adult wasp emerges in the fall and searches for a mate. After mating, the female wasp burrows into the soil at the base of the host tree to lay her eggs. The eggs hatch in the spring, and the larvae feed on the roots of the tree. Wasps within this family, Cynipidae, are small and generally pose no threat to humans. (posted 9/6/2024)
Piebald Deer at Manasquan Reservoir
Seeing a partially white deer, known as piebald, is somewhat unusual. This condition can occur from interbreeding in a deer population. Some research indicates that along with being less camouflaged under certain conditions, deer affected in this way can suffer from other physical deformities. (posted 9/3/2024)
Blue Dasher (male) Dragonfly at Manasquan Reservoir
This very common dragonfly is a very effective predator, eating hundreds of insects a day. As an aquatic nymph (juvenile), they tolerate wetlands with poor water quality and low oxygen. This tolerance puts them in a good position to feed on the mosquito larvae that are often found in low quality bodies of water. However, their tolerance for less-than-ideal conditions shouldn’t be taken to mean that they would not benefit from more pristine waterways, and that many important aquatic species don’t share their hardiness. (posted 9/3/2024)
Common True Katydid
Katydids are true masters of disguise! Check out this male common true katydid,
Pterophylla camellifolia, that was found at
Huber Woods Park, Middletown. You can tell this one is a male because of the brown triangle behind its head. This triangle is called a saddle and resembles the dried portion of a leaf or a stem. Their wings and the rest of their body are green, seamlessly blending in with the tree foliage. You most likely have started to hear them during the night singing their song, “Katydid, Katy-didn’t, Katydid, Katy-didn’t”. They make this sound by rubbing their wings together to attract a mate and usually do so from August-October. (posted 8/7/2024)
Luna Moth
With an average wingspan of 4.5 inches, the luna moth, Actias luna, is one of the largest moths found throughout North America. Belonging to the family Saturniidae, the luna moth is linked to an assemblage commonly referred to as the giant silk moths. All members of the family Saturniidae and subfamily Saturniinae have a unique characteristic, which is their lack of fully formed mouth parts. That’s right, during this insect’s short lifespan of approximately one to two weeks, it does not feed. Rather, this moth will spend its adulthood searching for a mate.
Female luna moths will release pheromones - a secreted or excreted chemical that generates a social response in individuals of the same species. Males detect these pheromones via their large antennae (pictured above) and can fly up to several miles in a night in search of a female.
In addition to their characteristic coloring and markings, luna moths possess another distinctive feature, which are the elongated tails of their hindwings. Interestingly, a luna moth’s elongated tails provide protection from predation. Specifically, their tails function as a misdirect from bat attacks. Researchers have found that these structures seem to reflect bat sonar in such a way that bats often misdirect their attacks at the tails instead of the main body. (posted 7/30/2024)
Brown Booby
An unexpected visitor was recently spotted during one of the Manasquan Reservoir’s boat tours. Naturalists on the boat were surprised to see an unfamiliar outline on the horizon - an adult Brown Booby in flight over the water.
Brown Boobies are a large species of seabirds with a bullet-shaped body, long wings, and a daggerlike bill. Adults have a brown head, neck, back, wing and tail; a white belly; some white on their underwing; yellow feet; and a yellow bill. They are known to nest in colonies on tropical islands and are good swimmers below the water’s surface.
When not nesting, they spend much of their life at sea hunting for food and can be found resting on the open water or, sometimes, on buoys and channel markers. Known to have a diet of mainly fish and squid, they often soar above the water and quickly pivot into a dive when feeding.
From time-to-time, wayward reports of inland booby sightings have occurred, but this is the first time one has been reported at the
Manasquan Reservoir.
Fun Fact: The word booby, which applies to three species of tropical birds, comes from the Spanish word "bobo," meaning fool.
In this transitional time between spring and summer, a new crop of wildflowers begins to bloom. Photographed at
Huber Woods Park, the native iris called Blue Flag Iris (
Iris versicolor) is in peak bloom. This wetland perennial offers wonderfully showy flowers that are just as attractive to pollinators as they are to people. Hummingbirds to bumblebees will all partake in visiting these flowers.
Blue Flag Iris gets its namesake from the old English word “flagge,” which means reed. The word Iris itself is taken from the Greek Goddess of rainbows. Versicolor simply translates to multiple colors.
Try planting some native iris in a large cluster to really let its colors pop! (posted 6/4/2024)
This young common snapping turtle,
Chelydra serpentina serpentina, pictured at
Holmdel Park, Holmdel, seems to be enjoying the warm water in the sun while partially covered by some mud. Just moments after this photo was taken, the turtle had almost completely disappeared into the bottom of the creek. Snapping turtles are most active at dawn and at dusk when doing their hunting. The rest of their day is spent in shallow waters where they bury themselves in the mud, leaving only their eyes and nostrils exposed. Their nostrils are positioned at the very tip of their snout, functioning like a snorkel, to occasionally take a breath. This position also allows them to easily ambush their prey by being camouflaged.
From now until the end of June, and sometimes into July, you may notice that snapping turtles, along with other turtles, are becoming more active. It is peak nesting season for them and if you happen to encounter one, it is likely a female searching for a place to lay her eggs or looking for a mate. If you notice one trying to cross the road, please let it cross in the direction that it is going, and do not move it to a new location. The turtle is on a mission and if turned around will likely try to go back in the direction it was going; and if moved from its “home range”, it may become disoriented. The best thing to do in this situation is to watch from a safe distance and you may even get to see them lay their eggs! (posted 5/29/2024)
Oak Leaves
When identifying plants, the leaves and leaf arrangement are one of the main characteristics botanists use; along with the bark, trunk, flowers, berries, and cones. Have you ever wondered why some leaves can be simple ellipses, some long and thin, some short and broad, and some with deeply notched lobes? Overall, plants have different shaped leaves to adapt to environmental conditions. Long leaves help with temperature regulation and are good for hot conditions, thin leaves help prevent water loss and are good for dry conditions, and large, broad leaves which can harvest lots of light are good for life in gloomy conditions, such as the forest understory.
Blackjack Oak Leaves Chestnut Oak Leaves
White Oak Leaves
In the pictures above, you can see the difference between three types of Oak leaves. Blackjack oak leaves (Quercus marilandica) can be 4–10 inches long and 2.5–6 inches wide, with a wedge or bell shape. They are simple, alternate, and leathery, with a dark green, shiny upper surface and a paler, tawny lower surface. Chestnut oak (Quercus montana) leaves are typically 4–8 inches long and 1.5–3 inches wide, but can range from 4–6 inches long and obovate to elliptical in shape. They are simple, alternate leaves with coarsely serrated margins and a dark green upper surface that is paler or whitish on the lower side. White oak (Quercus alba) leaves are simple and arranged alternately on twigs. They are 7 to 9 lobed, 5-9 inches long with short petioles. The lobes are rounded without bristle tips and vary in length from leaf to leaf but are rather uniform on the same leaf. Surface color is dull green and paler below.
Besides the shape, leaves can have other adaptions such as stomata. These tiny pores in the surface of the leaf allow movement of gases in and out of the intercellular spaces which allow the plant to cool down through evaporation. During the hot heat of the summer, oak leaves curl up in response to drought and will even drop some of their leaves during dry periods. The most famous adaptation happens in autumn, when deciduous trees drop their leaves and grow new ones in the spring. (posted 5/28/2024)
Black Rat Snake
The black rat snake Elaphe obsoleta obsolete is New Jersey’s largest snake growing up to 8 feet long. The belly and sides are flat and appear like a “loaf of bread” when compared to the very similar but more tubular shaped black racer. The black rat snake is mostly black but white can be found between its scales and its underside is white or pale yellow with some gray or brown mottling.
This particular specimen was originally identified as a black racer, but further analysis pointed towards being a black rat snake. The closeup of its head shows cloudy eyes, which means the snake will be shedding in a few days. These snakes are found throughout New Jersey’s woodlands and meadows. It is an adept climber, adding birds and bird eggs to its diet of small or medium-sized mammals. The black rat snake is not venomous, but rather constricts its prey. It has a mild temperament compared to the more skittish black racer but will defend itself vigorously if cornered or touched. (posted 5/21/2024)
Wolf Spider
This female wolf spider, spotted at the
Manasquan Reservoir Environmental Center, Howell, celebrated Mother's Day by taking all 100+ of her babies for a morning stroll by the water's edge. In a very rare example of parental care in the insect and arachnid world, wolf spider females carry their young on their backs for up to two weeks to provide protection from other predators. These babies will quickly grow into formidable hunters, passing up the life of web building and opting for a nomadic lifestyle chasing down their prey much like the animal giving them their namesake - the wolf. (posted 5/15/2024)
Red Fox
Foxes are one of the many animals that call our parks home. This red fox was spotted at
Huber Woods Park, Locust, likely looking for a morning meal. Their omnivorous diet changes based on what is available, generally consisting of a mix of fruits, nuts, insects, rodents, rabbits and birds. This makes them ecologically important as not only a dispersant agent for many plants, but to also help control the rodent population. It’s always a special treat seeing them in the parks, but please remember to keep your distance when viewing wildlife, as to not disturb or cause potential harm to them. (posted 4/8/2024)
Gray Seal
Recently, a juvenile male grey seal was found resting at the
Bayshore Waterfront Park, Port Monmouth. It is not unusual to find seals resting on beaches along the Jersey Shore during the winter and early spring. After a busy night of foraging and feeding in local waters, a seal will often haul out of the water to rest and digest its food. Seals do not chew food but take large bites and swallow in pieces their food, such as fish, sand eels, and squid. If a seal is unable to properly digest its food, it could get sick and even die. If you find a seal on a beach, please stay at least 150 feet away and leave the seal alone to rest and digest its meal from the night before. Please notify park rangers of any seal sighting so we may safeguard the wild animal from human disturbance and to contact the proper authorities if the animal appears sick or distressed. (Posted 3/21/2024)
Osage Orange
What might look like a dog’s old chew toy is actually the fruit of an Osage orange (Maclura pomifera). The bright yellow-green softball sized fruit, sometimes called a horse or hedge apple, is neither an orange nor an apple. They are more closely related to mulberries and their seeds are only eaten by few animals such as the squirrel. It is believed that Osage oranges are an anachronistic fruit, meaning they belong to an earlier time. Researchers theorize that their large size made them ideal for mammoths and ground sloths to eat and disperse the seeds.
Today the Osage orange tree is popularly used for its wood, which was first utilized by the Indigenous peoples. They would manipulate its branches to make their bows because of its flexibility, rot resistance, and strength. It is still considered one of the best woods to use for bows and is commonly purchased for fence making. It is also great for burning, having one of the highest BTU ratings of any common wood in North America.
The pictured Osage orange fruit was found along the
Bayshore Waterfront Park, Port Monmouth. The fruit normally falls from the tree in autumn, but as you can see in the second picture, there is one last fruit holding on as we enter spring! (posted 3/20/2024)
Pictured - (l to r) Park System Naturalist Heather FitzGerald and Ecologist Maggie Wasacz with newly placed coverboard.
You can’t protect what you don’t know about! Which is why Park System Ecologists and Naturalists are working with NJ Fish and Wildlife biologists and local university scientists to conduct herp (amphibians and reptiles) research in our parks.
Effectively studying and tracking the population of salamanders, smaller snakes, and many turtle species in a given location can be very challenging. However, this information is critical when devising a management strategy. Conducting absence-prescience (A-P) studies is a way to gather this information, and a popular method in herp research is to use coverboards.
Many salamanders and small snakes hide under rotting logs, but they are equally happy to use discarded metal or other garbage - which is where coverboards come in. Materials and designs vary but coverboards, like the one pictured above, are placed in the environment and mimic logs. Just like logs, they attract these animals but provide a sustainable, portable and trackable way to study their population as scientists return to monitor them.
This research is just one of the many ways the Park System works to protect local habitat and native wildlife. (posted 3/8/2024)
Amphibious Amphitheaters
With the recent combination of snowmelt and rainfall, soils across the county have been saturated to the point where vernal pools have formed everywhere. These temporary aquatic environments create the perfect breeding site for numerous species of native frogs and salamanders.
A visit to one of the vernal pools in Dorbrook Recreation Area, Colts Neck, will introduce you to a cacophony of frog calls. Spring Peepers and Wood Frogs can be heard here calling by the hundreds. These amphibians call out to other members of their species for mating purposes. (Click on the sound file above to hear.) Once the ritual is complete, gelatinous clusters of eggs can be found in the pools. In roughly two weeks, the eggs will hatch into tadpoles, which will feed on surrounding algae, plant detritus, and the occasional microorganism.
Have fun exploring our parks this time of year and listen for these wonderful natural phenomena. (posted 3/4/2024)
Bald Eagles Nesting
Photo reposted from 2017.
UPDATE - Since 2002, 23 eaglets have hatched at Manasquan Reservoir, but we’ve also had failures and, unfortunately, 2024 will have to be added to that list of failures. Except for the death of our original female in 2003, while sitting on eggs, we have no idea why some breeding seasons are unsuccessful. Given the vantage point of our camera, we also have no idea how many eggs may have been laid. Hopefully 2025 will prove more successful. (posted 4/12/2024) We are very happy to announce that the resident Bald Eagle pair at the
Manasquan Reservoir, Howell, began incubation on February 26. This is our latest start date for a nest recorded here at the Manasquan Reservoir. Naturalists observed the female sitting low in the nest and remaining there. From now on, one of the adults will almost always be seen in the nest. The female eagle begins sitting immediately upon producing her first egg. She may lay up to three eggs over five to six days. The male assists with incubation by giving the female breaks. He also brings food to the female and helps protect the nest. If everything goes well, we expect hatching to occur the last week of March. They are nesting in the same nest as the last few years.
Reminder: Nesting Bald Eagles are very sensitive to disturbance by humans. Approaching a nest by land or water could cause them to abandon their eggs or young. Do not approach the nest or enter any protected areas. The nest can be viewed safely from the trail adjacent to Georgia Tavern Road or from inside the Manasquan Reservoir Environmental Center via a live television monitor.
Sometimes, we may not see the inhabitants of our local ecosystems, but instead find evidence they have left behind. Tracks, bones, fur and feathers are just some of the signs that tell us what animal might be nearby. Pictured above are neat rows of little holes called sapsuckers that have been drilled by a particular species of woodpecker - the Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, Sphyrapicus varius.
After drilling the holes, the woodpecker laps up the sap that oozes from these well-manicured crannies. They will even ingest any insects trapped by this sweet treat.
A common species of woodpecker, Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers can be seen throughout many of our parks. Both the male and female are distinguished by their mostly black and white plumage and red cap atop their head. In comparison to other frequently seen woodpeckers, they are larger than a Downy Woodpecker but slightly smaller than a Hairy Woodpecker. (posted 2/26/2024)
Winter is a wonderful time of the year to visit any of your Monmouth County parks, especially if you are interested in enjoying the changing scenery. A recent snowy morning had one of our Park System Naturalist taking in the sights at Perrinville Lake Park, Millstone, and the Manasquan Reservoir, Howell. At Perrineville Lake Park, fresh snow covered fields and trails without even a hint of human footprints, and the lake was extra picturesque as flurries drop onto the water.
Even the Manasquan Reservoir felt a little extra enchanting as fresh snow clung to branches and covered trails. (posted 2/16/2024)
Photography Exhibit
Feeling the winter blues and looking for an excuse to get out of the house on a cold dreary day? Head over to the Manasquan Reservoir Environmental Center, Howell, and check out the 2023 “Shapes of Nature” Photography Contest Exhibit! On display through the end of February 2024, this exhibit is a great way to review the past year through beautiful photographs submitted by our local community members. The contest had two divisions: Adult and Children; and two categories: General Photography and Wildlife Photography. Let the colors of nature guide you through the four seasons as you peruse the building.
While there, be sure to check out our displays including live native animals, crawl through our muskrat lodge, and view the eagle cam. Whether you’re by yourself or with the whole family, there’s plenty to see and do. (posted 2/1/2024)
Winter Visitors
Winter is an exciting time for birders as they bundle up and brave cold temperatures in the hope of spotting rare visitors. So far, this winter's highlights include some exciting ducks and geese at Thompson Park, Lincroft. The park’s fields draw large flocks of Canada Geese that offer the opportunity to play “Where’s Waldo?” as birders look for an odd-ball goose among thousands. Although challenging, it can be very rewarding. A Pink-footed goose, a Greater White-fronted goose, a snow goose, and a cackling goose have all been spotted this way.
Pink-footed goose
Among the Canada Geese, the Pink-footed goose stands out with its pink bill, brown neck, bright pink feet, and smaller size.
Greater White-fronted Goose
The Greater White-fronted goose is also smaller and can by identified by its orange bill, white patch on its face, brown neck, black barring on its chest, and bright orange feet.
Cackling Goose
While the Cackling goose has similar coloration as the Canada goose, it is tiny in comparison and has a smaller head, shorter neck, and tiny bill. The most seen subspecies of cackling geese, the Richardson’s subspecies have a white base at the bottom of the black on their necks.
Snow Goose
The Snow Goose is striking with its overall white coloration, orangey stout bill with a grin patch, and black wingtips that are visible even when they are at rest. (posted 2/1/2024)
Recently a Black Guillemot was spotted just off the coast of Monmouth County along one of our many rock jetties. These birds are a part of the Auk family, along with Razorbills, Dovekie and Atlantic Puffins. They are all rare winter visitors found along the coast, usually staying off shore which makes sightings hard to come by from land.
This bird is in its non-breeding plumage with its white head and underparts, but during breeding season it will be all black with a white-wing patch and bright reddish legs. They are great divers that like to eat fish and small invertebrates like crabs, worms and mollusks, and the habitat they prefer is along rocky shorelines. They breed up along the cliffs in Maine and north into the Canadian Arctic and even as far away as Alaska. A great Monmouth County park to spot winter Auks and winter ducks is
Seven Presidents Oceanfront Park, Long Branch, especially around the rock jetties and outflow pipes. Just remember to always keep your distance from wildlife so as not to disturb or cause potential harm to them. (posted 1/31/2024)
What’s That Track?
Looking for animal tracks is always a fun thing to do when walking in our parks. These tracks were left behind in the snow at Freneau Wood Park, Aberdeen. They’re an indicator that wildlife is present, but what kind of animal is this? If you guessed raccoon, you are correct! Their front feet are hand-shaped with five finger-like toes that resemble tiny human handprints. The hind feet are very similar but have elongated heels because raccoons carry most of their weight on their back ends.
Other than the species of the animal, we can also guess that this raccoon might have been foraging for food by the pattern of the prints. Raccoons have unique gaits that they use when looking for food and walking slowly when not in the presence of danger.
Looking at the above pictures, you can see that each set of prints consists of a small and a slightly larger print next to each other. This is usually because their left hind foot is placed next to the right forefoot, almost looking like they’ve hopped. Step lengths can also vary, creating a one-foot-in-front-of-the-other design. When running, they may leave more of a gallop pattern where the front feet land together before the hind feet land together. (posted 1/25/2024)
National Squirrel Appreciation Day is January 21! There are four species of squirrel in New Jersey: the Eastern Gray Squirrel (pictured above), the American Red Squirrel, the Northern Flying Squirrel, and the Southern Flying Squirrel. They are remarkedly hardy creatures because of their small size, short breeding cycle, and ability to eat a wide variety of foods. Their bodies are covered in short, thick hair and their long, bushy tail is used to balance themselves as they leap from tree to tree. It is said that a squirrel can leap across a space 10 times the length of their body!
As shown in this image, all these rodents share an ability to camouflage from predators. The darker coloration on top aids in hiding them from predators above like hawks, owls, and eagles; while their white belly blends in with the brightness of the sky (or snow for this time of year!) and hides them from predators of the forest floor like red fox, bobcats and coyotes.
Eastern Gray Squirrel is so common to see that their most beneficial behavior often goes unnoticed because we see them as a nuisance/pest. Most of us already know about squirrels hiding acorns before the cold temperatures of winter but, we forget how important that is for forest renewal. Many of the nuts and acorns cannot be found after they have been dug, which means that squirrels are actually “nature’s gardeners” planting seeds and aiding in the growth new trees! (posted 1/18/2024)
Reindeer Lichen
Reindeer Lichen (Cladonia rangiferina) is a light-colored, fruiticose, cup lichen in the family Cladoniaceae. Like other lichen species, they are composed of a fungus and an algae living together in a symbiotic, or mutually beneficial relationship. Unlike mosses, lichen do not have any roots, stems or leaves and their chloroplasts are contained only in the algae on the top surface of the lichen. This species grows in both hot and cold climates in well-drained, open environments. Reindeer lichen can be found in the Arctic tundra, Canadian boreal forests, and spread throughout the northeastern United States. As the common name suggests, it is an important food for reindeer (caribou) and is economically important as a result. (posted 12/13/2023)
Birding Expedition Highlights
On a recent Fall Birding Expedition, a monthly
all-day bus trip run by the Park System that searches for birds around the
state, we had some incredible luck. We
started our morning in Monmouth County and found a Limpkin. It was the first
record for this species in the state.
Limpkins prefer tropical wetlands habitats. They are usually found in the
United States only in Florida and part of Georgia. Outside of the United States, they are found
in Central and South America. We unexpectedly
found our Limpkin feeding on invertebrates in the grass of a local park in Wall
Township. In recent years, it is thought
that the introduction of an invasive apple snail in the United States has
allowed Limpkins to become an extra vagrant species as this new food source has
become available. In fact, they have been found in 26 states and two Canadian provinces. Although in appearance Limpkins resemble
Ibis, herons, and egrets; they are more closely related to rails and
cranes. They have a long neck, a long
and heavy yellowish bill, white spotting on their back and sides, and overall
brown color. These long-legged birds are
easily identified when found in marshes and swampy forests.
Cattle Egret
We found our second rarity of the day while still in
Monmouth County. This time it was a Cattle
Egret that was hiding along the small marsh found at the National Guard Training
Center in Sea Girt. The Cattle Egret is
a small, compact, stocky white egret with yellow bill. With its non-breeding
plumage, it has all black legs and feet and prefers upland habitat. It
resembles the more common Snowy Egret, which is also white but has a black
bill, black legs, and golden colored feet; and likes wetland habitats. They are typically found further south and occasionally
spotted during migration as they sometimes tend to wander.
Sage Thrasher
Our third highlight of the day was found along the Wildlife
Drive at the Edwin B. Forsythe Wildlife Refuge in Atlantic County. We encountered a Sage Thrasher - a bird
usually found on the West Coast of the United States. This is only the fifth record for this bird
species in New Jersey. Thankfully with a
little patience and luck, the bird was very obliging and came out along the
grasses and gave us some close views and photo opportunities. Sage Thrashers
are the smallest of the thrasher species found in the United States. It has a short bill, a heavily streaked breast,
a greyish-brown back, two thin white wing bars, and pale eyes. They are usually found standing erect on the
ground or on a short perch in sagebrush habitats.
Other highlights of this fantastic trip include a
Rough-legged Hawk and a Short-eared Owl that was hunting over a marsh as we
stood on a small boardwalk perch. Throughout
the day, we saw and heard 89 species - including some incredible rare birds – that
made for a memorable outing. Visit our Programs & Registration page and search "birding" for our upcoming birding trips and walks. (posted 12/23/2023)
Sun Halo
Photo courtesy of Neal Fitzsimmons
On a recent Casual Birder walk, we visited Fisherman's Cove Conservation Area and were given the added bonus of not only finding interesting bird species but an extra interesting meteorological phenomenon of seeing a sun halo formed in the sky as we walked along the shoreline.
The optical effect that causes a sun halo is quite rare, but it can happen when ice crystals form in the sky and refract, acting like a prism breaking visible light into its color components. According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), a halo is a ring or light that forms around the sun or moon as the sun or moon light refracts off ice crystals present in a thin veil of cirrus clouds. The halo is usually seen as a bright, white ring although sometimes it can have color. (posted 12/12/2023)
White-faced Ibis
While you may be tempted to stay indoors during the cold weather, there are plenty of reasons to head out into the field this winter! Recently, a juvenile White-faced Ibis was found at the Manasquan Reservoir along the shoreline close to the Environmental Center. It was seen feeding in the shallows, where ice had started to creep in along the edge. While the more common and expected species to find in Monmouth County is the Glossy Ibis; fall is a good season for rarities showing up. The features that helped us identify the White-faced Ibis were its reddish colored legs, overall pale brown color, paler cheeks, grey bill, and red-based dark eye color. We also heard its higher pitched calls in the field. (posted 12/12/2023)