Holmdel Park's Forest Edge playground playground is currently closed for renovations. The project includes updating equipment and surfaces. Anticipated completion date is spring 2025. See details regarding this project. (updated 9/25/2024)

Children love to play! The Park System offers playgrounds at several of its parks and recreation areas for your fun and enjoyment. Each playground provides children, parents, grandparents, and caregivers a place to be outside and enjoy imaginative play while building strong bodies and minds.
Adult visitors are urged not to use playgrounds for exercise and fitness activities. Please observe posted age guidelines.
According to livestrong.com, "Playground equipment gets children moving and having fun at the same time. Slides provide climbing exercise for the legs; bars exercise arms and shoulders; jungle gyms strengthen arms, legs and shoulders; and all the equipment together encourages children to run from one piece to another, giving them a healthy dose of cardiovascular, heart-healthy exercise."
Playgrounds are located in the following parks:
The Park System continues its ongoing program of upgrading and improving all county park playgrounds in order to comply with access requirements and safety standards as outlined by the Americans with Disabilities Act, Consumer Products Safety Commission, and the American Society for Testing Materials. Additionally, County Park Rangers inspect and maintain the playground equipment on a regular basis as part of their park maintenance duties.