Monmouth County Park System Outdoor Adventure division offers a variety of hiking opportunities of varying difficulty. Please read the description carefully and choose which hike is comfortable for you as you work toward more challenging treks.
Please realistically match your ability to the program descriptions. Outdoor Adventure hikes usually have a maximum of 12 participants. The group can move only as quickly as the slowest participant. Participants are disappointed when the pace is slowed or frequently paused, or if the route must be shortened to accommodate someone unprepared, ill-equipped, or poorly conditioned.
Safety is our primary concern - fatigue increases risk of accidents. Cold or wet weather can sap energy and impact ability, so moving at a steady pace is vital to maintain body heat. Bring appropriate layers, sufficient food, and plenty of water.
Distance, elevation gain, and pace determine the difficulty rating. Participants on a hike designated quick-paced, strenuous, and requiring boots and poles should expect to move quickly over some difficult terrain, have good balance, and be able to use their hands for support.
Please know yourself and be prepared. If uncertain about a program, fitness requirements, or equipment, please contact Jan Galanti at 732-842-4000, ext. 4238 for information, guidance and suggestions for self-evaluation by hiking local trails.