Dorbrook Recreation Area
353 Route 537, Colts Neck, NJ 07722
(Old street address - 209 Route 537 East, Colts Neck, NJ 07722)
Information on Dorbrook Recreation Area Picnic Shelters (including the Pavilion) is available online. Please contact our Reservations Department at 732-842-4000, ext. 1. for permits and availability.
Tee Ball at Dorbrook Recreation Area
(ages 4-8)
Enjoy a fun filled hour of t-ball or baseball on our outdoor baseball field, followed by forty five minutes of outside party time. All equipment will be provided, but children are welcome to bring their own gloves. Party includes a party leader, use of our facilities, and all required equipment. Please note that this program is weather permitting. Parties are held on weekends only; available April through May and September through October.
(ages 5-12)
Come celebrate your child's special day with soccer games for your future soccer star and the kids that have never played before. We've mixed some of our most requested Kids Kixx Soccer games like Spiders & Flies and Animal Hunt with time reserved for our own special birthday party scrimmage (with a few wacky rules thrown in). Let us take care of providing the party leaders and all the equipment for an hour of soccer fun followed by 45 minutes of outside party time when you can serve refreshments. Price includes a small trophy for each child to take home. Parties are held on weekends only, available April through May and September through October.